Thank you so much for sharing my books with readers, and for thinking of me for a school visit! The response to my books in schools has been amazing, and the demand for visits has been both gratifying and overwhelming.
Due to writing deadlines and family obligations, I’m not scheduling any in-person school events for the foreseeable future. Nor am I scheduling individual virtual events with schools. Sorry!
Instead I’m doing one free, virtual public event each month during the school year that any and all schools, classrooms, and home learners can join in on. These events are an hour long. The first half of the event is a presentation about the inspiration and context behind my most recent and popular books (always including Refugee!), and he second half is a Q&A with questions solicited from the live audience. If you or your class can’t make a particular month’s event, don’t worry! I’ve got more on the way, and hopefully our schedules will eventually align. In the meantime, each live event is recorded, and the most recent event’s recording is available to watch online for free at any time for at least a month after it first aired. All you have to do is sign up for an event (again, for free) and the recording is automatically available to you by following the link after the live event is finished.
Click here to check out my list of upcoming public virtual events. I usually take the summer months of June, July, and August off. If you don’t see events listed for other months on there, I’m still trying to figure out the exact day and time! I work with partner bookstores around the country, so sometimes it takes a while to hammer out the logistics. I’ll be doing one free, public event each month from September to May though for sure.
The best way to stay up-to-date on all my appearances is to subscribe to my occasional e-newsletter. You can sign up for my newsletter here.
If you’re a conference or festival looking to book me for a virtual appearance, I’m still doing those, as my schedule allows. Please use the email address on my contact page to inquire about availability.